Answers to your most pressing questions about our platform.

International delivery rates vary based on items purchased. Deliveries in Nigeria are 2000 naira. Deliveries within Lagos are 1000 naira.
We accept card payments (Visa, MasterCard, and American Express). For customers in Nigeria, we also allow deposits to our bank account. Details for bank transfers are given at point of checkout.
We strive to deliver items to customers as quickly as possible.  Made to order items are dispatched for delivery a week or less after order. Ready to wear items leave our offices 1-2 days from date of order. Depending on where item is to be shipped to, it can take anywhere from 1 day to 1 week for items to reach you.
Our platform strives to maintain international standards for secure online transactions.  We never share your data with anyone.
Ater ordering, we process the details of your order.  If items ordered are ready to wear, they are dispatched 1-2 days after order is placed.  If items are made to measure or require customization, they are placed in the workshop to be completed and then dispatched 1 week or less from time of order.
Yes- customers are issued invoices for their orders.